VyHub Software Release V 1.4.0 | VyHub Blog Banner

VyHub enables game community managers like you to monetize and manage their game servers. The new release v1.4.0 includes a number of exciting new features such as a new pricing model for VyHub instances, the VyHub Balance panel, and new Add-ons like Forum. Additionally, there are improvements to existing features like TeamSpeak integration and the ability to buy packets for other users. Keep reading to learn more about the new features in VyHub v1.4.0!

Commission-based Pricing for Your Gaming Community

Let’s start with our new pricing model. The new pricing model for VyHub instances is based on a commission system. VyHub instances are now free to use, but paid with a small commission. The commission rate depends on the amount of money you spend on your VyHub instance. Here are the commission rates:

6% €0 – €250

5% €250 – €2500

4% €2500 – €5000

3% €5000 – ∞

This system works according to a scale of the first €250,- you will pay 6%. Then the next €2000,- you pay 5%, etc. 

The New Affiliate System

With our new pricing system we have integrated an affiliate system. Besides monetizing your game server through our shop and donation system. You now can become our affiliate, as an affiliate you get 25% of each transaction that flows to VyHub from the user that you bring on as a client. Therefore we provide you with a neat dashboard that shows you exactly who you brought on as a client, what transactions they did, and what share of the transaction is yours. Furthermore, you get an affiliate link, to attract new users to our platform. Note, do not worry if they click on the link, and do not register right away. The cookie in the link stays active for 3 days so if they sign up in that period. Users will be registered as yours.

Better Insights About Transactions Within Your Community

Everybody who uses VyHub now has access to the VyHub Balance. The VyHub Balance panel is used to organize all payments regarding your VyHub instances. Through the transaction system, you can view your balance, transactions, and payment history. The panel also allows you to add funds to your balance and view your payment history. How to access the balance panel? You can access the VyHub Balance panel by logging into your VyHub account and clicking on the “Balance” tab.

Furthermore, we made an option to automatically charge your account, so if you have a negative account balance you can automatically recharge your account to 0.

We highly recommend you use this Auto-Charge feature.

The New Communication Add-on 

We finally introduce our own forum. Lots of you have wished for it. With the forum, you easily communicate with your gaming community. And the best part, it is fully integrated in VyHub! So no expensive external forums are necessary anymore. You have the ability to create Categories, Topics, and an unlimited amount of threads. Furthermore, it is also possible to create a team-only section of the forum. So no player of yours has access to it. So what you are waiting for? Activate the forum now for your instance. Bonus information: we will add a live chat, which we call a shout-box as well. The shout-box will be part of the communication add-on.

The Teamspeak Integration for VyHub

The Teamspeak integration is finally here! With the Teamspeak integration, you can connect your Teamspeak server to your VyHub instance. This integration provides several benefits, the biggest is that you can reward your players with Teamspeak roles. With this, you can control the access by whitelisting players or selling Teamspeak groups through VyHub. 

For Your Players: They Can Get Their Friends Now Packets!

Players of your community can finally buy packets for their friends! During the checkout process, they can easily choose their best friend which will receive the gift. 

Many More Small Improvement Features

We made a translated invoice feature. The languages wherein our product is available we have inserted a translated invoice. As a community manager, you can now duplicate packets that you made. Furthermore, we have improved upon the colors in Bans, Warnings, Tickets, and the server Dashboards.


Thanks for reading until here! We are sure, we haven’t covered all the new things VyHub offers you! Give it a try! As always, contact us if you need any help!